Back Pain during yoga. Can you suggest anything to help me?

I have been asked the following question about back pain doing postures. Here is my short general answer: QUESTION: I have difficulty breathing in when I drop back to a back arch (urdhva dhanurasana) from standing with my arms in the air (urdhva hastasana) as it aggravates my back pain. Can you suggest anything to help me? MY ANSWER: It …

Yoga Therapy for Knee Problems

by Simon Borg-Olivier and Bianca  Machliss Knee problems are amongst the most common physical problems experienced by adults in our western society – many students of yoga, arrive at yoga with a pre-existing knee problem, and some, unfortunately, get knee problems as a result of incorrect yoga practice. Knee problems that occur as a result of yoga are often due …


NEED A BOOST? In this video Simon explains how external pressure is an effective way to move blood through the body, and how you can do this to yourself, as opposed to simply getting a massage from someone else. Join our six or twelve-week course online where you will learn some basic principles and methods to meld the physical and …

Yoga Therapy for Neck Problems

Simon shares important things to do  to get optimal function from your neck. PLUS Yoga Synergy’s guide to doing Yoga with a sore neck or neck injury.

Wrist Problems and Yoga Therapy

Watch this 5 minute overview of how best to help your wrists with Yoga as therapy presented by Yoga Synergy’s Simon Borg-Olivier. Learn simple exercises to connect with your fingers to improve blood flow.     You may be interested…Watch this 5 minute overview of how best to help your wrists with Yoga as therapy presented by Yoga Synergy’s Simon …

Learn Breath Control in 2022 for greater health and wellbeing

By learning ‘breath-control’ exercises, know as Pranayama you can experience improved energy, health and longevity. If you haven’t practiced pranayama before, you may want to join Simon Borg-Olivier who teaches the proper techniques for these breathing exercises. Simon has over 50 years experience and is a qualified Physiotherapist. Simon teaches a technique that can increase oxygen uptake directly to the …