Posted on our facebook site by Simon Borg-Olivier on March 13, 2009 at 5:14pm I write this post in respons to Rick Bull’s post below – it is an interesting topic that I hope will generate discussion. I actually tried to pos it but facebook said the wall was unavailable to post – so that is another good reason to post …
How to use simple yoga to compensate for the negative effects of smoking without actually trying to give up.
Written by Simon Borg-Olivier, 10th March 2009 If you are smoker and don’t want to actually give up right now here are some simple things you can do to address some of the negative effects of smoking. The essence of yoga is ‘balance’ and ‘mental flexibility’. I feel that in the beginning at least it better to adapt your exercise …
Munchkin Yoga – kids at home
Posted on our facebook site by Vitoria Borg-Olivier on March 10, 2009 at 8:54am The other day my little almost 2 year old munchkin Eric, heard me say “monkey” in a sentence not directed to him and then proceeded to lunge around the house for the next 5 minutes with his little arms in the air holding the branch (as …
Hatha Yoga for Children with Asthma
by Simon Borg-Olivier & Bianca Machliss Yoga has a recorded history of at least five thousand years (Feuerstein, 1996). Hatha yoga involves the physical aspect of this ancient Indian science. Hatha yoga uses strengthening and stretching exercises, aerobic conditioning, and relaxation exercises, to help improve posture and breathing. The word ‘yoga’ means union, joining, or to link together as one …
Hatha Yoga Stretching and Muscle Strengthening Exercise
A Guide for Physiotherapists by Simon Borg-Olivier & Bianca Machliss (A paper Presented at “The Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference for Alternative Therapies”, at Byron Bay, Australia July 1997) Introduction Yoga has a recorded history of at least five thousand years (Feuerstein, 1996). Hatha yoga involves the physical aspect of this ancient Indian science. Some of the elements of Hatha yoga …
Yoga for Low-Back Pain: Complementary Medicine Journal Article
Simple yoga stretches and exercises can help alleviate one of the highest causes of sick leave, say physiotherapists Simon Borg-Olivier and Bianca Machliss. Simon Borg-Olivier, MScBAppSc(Physiotherapy), and Bianca Machliss, BScBAppSc(Physiotherapy), are the directors of Yoga Synergy. These are diagrams from their 2005 article in the Journal of Complementary Medicine. Click on the diagrams to get the full enlarged views, or …