Shakti Mat Bliss

Posted on our facebook site by Simon Borg-Olivier on June 29, 2009 at 11:12am Thanks to Marianne & @sweatybettypr for all their great skill in organising us to get on the channel 7 Sunrise program this morning – great blog on this can be seen on how our session came out at Thanks also to Eric Wolrath and his fantastic …

Making Triangle Pose (Trikonasana) the best posture ever

Utthita trikonasana is often taught as simple posture but it can be confusing to beginners and even teachers. If done incorrectly it can be at best ineffective and at worse dangerous for your knees and lower back. In this article we present instructions that make your body ‘Firm but calm’ (sthira sukham asanam) and while creating strength without tension and flexibility …

Hatha Yoga Stretching and Muscle Strengthening Exercise

A Guide for Physiotherapists by Simon Borg-Olivier & Bianca Machliss (A paper Presented at “The Australian Physiotherapy Association Conference for Alternative Therapies”, at Byron Bay, Australia July 1997) Introduction Yoga has a recorded history of at least five thousand years (Feuerstein, 1996). Hatha yoga involves the physical aspect of this ancient Indian science. Some of the elements of Hatha yoga …