Air Sequence with Bianca


Yoga Synergy’s Elements Air Sequence with Bianca Machliss are recorded classes of the progressive 8 week sequence as it would be taught in live classes. Build your practice towards the ultimate last class, which is a flow through class to music with no instructions.

The classes are filmed by Bianca in her home.

Practice alongside Bianca in your own time or over the 8 lessons. Choose your own level of difficulty.

Available as streaming files via your Yoga Synergy Online Shop account. You will be sent log in details after payment.
(please note this product is included in the Online Yoga Pass weekly and monthly product. If you are already subscribed there is no need to purchase this product)

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Yoga teacher and physiotherapist, Bianca Machliss presents detailed instruction based on over 30 years of anatomy and physiology study and yoga practice.


About the Teacher

Bianca Machliss C0-Director Yoga Synergy

Bianca is the co-founder and owner of Yoga Synergy and has over 27 years experience teaching yoga, managing a studio and creating a community.

Bianca and Simon’s shared passion for yoga has led to the creation of Yoga Synergy daily yoga classes, workshops, teacher training courses and international events.
Read more about Bianca

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