About Our Yoga

Yoga Synergy offers a practice that is safe for the modern body across all levels of fitness. It’s suitable for those who have not tried yoga before or have injuries, but is also challenging for those more familiar with a regular physical practice such as professional dancers, elite athletes and advanced yoga practitioners. Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether – these 5 dynamic sequences of yoga postures taught in the Yoga Synergy method, have been specially designed by Simon Borg-Olivier and Bianca Machliss, who are both experienced yoga teachers and qualified physiotherapists. Our newly qualified Teacher Trainees (200h Yoga Alliance certificate) start by teaching the basic sequence: Yoga Synergy Fundamentals sequence. The 500h Yoga Synergy Teacher Training certificate enables teachers to teach the 5 Element sequence as taught in Sydney, Australia.

Student Testimonials

Applied Anatomy & Physiology of Yoga

Tite Togni

As a professional athlete and yoga practitioner for more than 30 years, I've experienced how yoga can enhance an athlete’s life, but I struggled to find yoga practices that would boost my energy instead of depleting it. It was only after I had found Simon and Yoga Synergy that I realized yoga can make conditions worse if you practice it in an unsafe and unintelligently manner, which was BKS Iyengar' s major concern too. After training with Mr Iyengar, I had found Yoga Synergy, the missing link between traditional yoga and the needs of the modern human body. Simon is a biologist, physiotherapist and yoga teacher, and his knowledge about the human anatomy and physiology, and his insight about how traditional yoga and modern western physiotherapy can be brought together is so unique and profound that I have retrained with him all over the world. There was a cascade of positive results manifesting in all aspects of my life: in my health, relationships and even in my professional life. Go to a class, a teacher training, or do an online course with Simon, and you will realize what the sages have been saying about yoga as Kaivalya: freedom in presence. (Tite Togni, professional athlete, founder of YogaXRunners, Italy)

Melanie Gallagher BSc(Physiotherapy) Physiotherapist

I would recommend Simon’s course on the Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga to anyone who is serious about their yoga practice. If you want to really understand what is happening in your body from an anatomical and physiological perspective when you are practicing yoga, then this course is vital. I’ve been going to Simon’s classes for over 5 years now and that is not even that long compared to many in the class! What keeps us coming back is the the way we can see our yoga constantly evolving as Simon continues to develop his understanding of the human body and the physiological effects of yoga practice on health and wellbeing. With anatomical explanations and differing emphasis, postures that I have been doing for years suddenly seem completely new. The classes bring the mind-fullness back into yoga practice- rather than a series of postures. Simon’s style allows you to also feel the effects that yoga can have on energy levels, concentration and mental state. Every practice feels different and the effects are different day to day depending on the emphasis of the class. The information I have learnt during Simon’s classes have allowed me to be better in tune with the needs of my body before each practice so i am able to choose for myself what sort of emphasis and energy I should bring to my own practice and have also left me with a better ability to create practice for myself at home that is effective and safe.