I loved the Anatomy and Physiology online course. My own asana practice improved as each module was completed. I learnt the interaction of the muscle groups, the breathing techniques along with modifications for students with physical concerns for the main asanas. Simon personally answered my questions and provide deeper insight to the course assessment questions via phone calls. Having easy …
Maddi Lock
I loved the course! The fundamental course provides a level of understanding of the philosophy of yoga, am important concept to understand as a teacher. The content is clearly set out, easy to follow and comprehend. Each module is set out clearly, with reading, videos and the assignments to complete. The assignments are essential to understanding the concepts developed in …
Robyn Silberman
I thoroughly enjoyed learning the importance of moving safely in and out of postures. Watching and practicing the videos has taught me so much about teaching with confidence and care. Thanks to Simon and Bianca for giving so generously of their knowledge and time.
Robyn C
Not really a discussion thread, but just feel I must express my gratitude to Simon for so generously sharing his knowledge. I am loving the course and finding the information so helpful with my own practice. I did attend a Yoga Synergy class when i was in Sydney recently. Even tho I have been practising yoga for over 20 year I felt like …
Damien, Online Course Student
I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to Amelia, Bianca and Simon for all their help and for the opportunity to learn so much about this subject and for making it relevant to what we do. I look forward to the continuous learning and practising . Thanks Again.
Carelene De Jager – Online Course Student
I was a little nervous in the beginning , hoping it would all all make sense to me 🙂 But I have found this course to be so informative and interesting and I love the lay out and order of each topic and how everything truly comes together and makes total sense to me . 🙂
Melanie Gallagher BSc(Physiotherapy) Physiotherapist
I would recommend Simon’s course on the Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga to anyone who is serious about their yoga practice. If you want to really understand what is happening in your body from an anatomical and physiological perspective when you are practicing yoga, then this course is vital. I’ve been going to Simon’s classes for over 5 years …
Louise Carter, Online Anatomy & Physiology Course
Woo Hoo! Thanks for the High Distinction! And thanks for the AAP course. Comparatively new to Yoga I completed the ‘Fundamentals’ course last year and felt that AAP was a natural progression. I really loved the course which I thought was a perfect balance between anatomical and physiological detail and application to Yoga. I appreciated the course structure, particularly the …
J. Damas – Singapore
I too want to extend my gratitude to Simon, Bianca and yourself for this course. I have garnered so much understanding of yoga, life, living. It underscores the importance of knowledge, the effort needed to attain it, and how at the end of the day, it’s irreplaceable as It brings yoga to another level. I am also grateful I have …