I would recommend Simon’s course on the Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga to anyone who is serious about their yoga practice. If you want to really understand what is happening in your body from an anatomical and physiological perspective when you are practicing yoga, then this course is vital.
I’ve been going to Simon’s classes for over 5 years now and that is not even that long compared to many in the class! What keeps us coming back is the the way we can see our yoga constantly evolving as Simon continues to develop his understanding of the human body and the physiological effects of yoga practice on health and wellbeing. With anatomical explanations and differing emphasis, postures that I have been doing for years suddenly seem completely new. The classes bring the mind-fullness back into yoga practice- rather than a series of postures. Simon’s style allows you to also feel the effects that yoga can have on energy levels, concentration and mental state. Every practice feels different and the effects are different day to day depending on the emphasis of the class.
The information I have learnt during Simon’s classes have allowed me to be better in tune with the needs of my body before each practice so i am able to choose for myself what sort of emphasis and energy I should bring to my own practice and have also left me with a better ability to create practice for myself at home that is effective and safe.