About Yoga Synergy
Established by Bianca Machliss & Simon Borg Olivier in 1984, Yoga Synergy is one of Sydney’s largest and most respected yoga schools. We are located in Newtown in Sydney, Australia. We also offer Yoga Synergy classes at Elixr in Bondi Junction.
A journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step
In 1984, the doors of Yoga Synergy opened for the first time in Newtown, Sydney, with only two classes taught per week. Over 30 years later, Yoga Synergy has two studios – the original studio in Newtown and one in Bondi Junction, international teacher-trainer courses, acclaimed online courses, plus workshops taught worldwide.
The journey for Yoga Synergy founders, Bianca Machliss and Simon Borg-Olivier, began as a part-time venture, until 1993 when they decided to further embrace the yoga journey, since it was what they loved to do and were deeply passionate about. Bianca and Simon decided they would need to study more about the body, if they were to be the caretakers of other people’s bodies, and so they went back to university to study physiotherapy.
While at university, the Yoga Synergy method was developed – a unique style of yoga that incorporates Eastern and Western knowledge, to provide students with a safe yoga practice that is both dynamic and meditative. During their studies, Bianca and Simon also started the first ‘Applied Anatomy & Physiology of Yoga’ course, specifically for yoga teachers and practitioners, and wrote the book ‘Applied Anatomy & Physiology of Yoga’, which accompanies the course. (For more information see Applied Anatomy & Physiology of Yoga.)
Bianca and Simon believe yoga is for every body, and that the world can become a better place through the experience of yoga.
The Yoga Synergy philosophy
The yoga journey helps open the heart and clear the mind, to ultimately discover the transcendental self, the atma or the divine. The insights of yoga that were discovered 5000 years ago are still valid today. Humans are fundamentally the same, and yoga’s ultimate objective is the union of body, mind and spirit, which leads to freedom, compassion and harmony.
At Yoga Synergy, we teach the ancient art of yoga in a safe, fun and intelligent way. Students learn to do yoga responsively, in harmony with how you feel from day to day, moment to moment. Each practice is designed to fulfill your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual needs, to enhance life force, energy and vitality.
The Yoga Synergy method encourages students to practice at home, safely and independently, and it can be applied to any style of yoga, with the main intentions to energise the body, calm the mind and stay focused on the moment.
The Yoga Synergy method
At Yoga Synergy, you will learn yoga that is based on a deep and sound knowledge of anatomy and physiology, modern medical science and traditional hatha yoga.
The style of hatha yoga taught at Yoga Synergy is derived from the work of Professor T. Krishnamacharya. Sri Krishnamacharya was the teacher of three very influential yoga masters: Sri B.K.S. Iyengar (author of Light on Yoga); Sri K. Pattabhi Jois (who developed Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga); and Sri T.K.V. Desikachar (author of The Heart of Yoga).
Our unique style incorporates asanas (poses and postures), vinyasa (dynamic exercises that combine movement with breath), pranayama (breath control) and meditation. It’s a dynamic moving meditation that links postures with breath.
Yoga Synergy teaches a practice that is safe regardless of how fit you are. It’s suitable for every body, whether you have an injury or have never tried yoga before. It is also a strong challenge for people used to a regular physical practice such as professional dancers, elite athletes and advanced yoga practitioners.
The Yoga Synergy method is based on six dynamic sequences specifically designed to be taught progressively over a nine-week period, with meditation exercises at the end of each class. Our 200h qualified teachers teach the Yoga Fundamentals sequence, while our 500h qualified teachers teach the ‘5 Great Elements’ sequence. (For more information see Yoga Synergy Sequences.)
Our style of yoga helps to develop strength, flexibility and cardiovascular fitness, increase energy, and enhance the ability to deal with stress.
Every posture has a simple and a more challenging version. All students – regardless of strength and flexibility – are encouraged to understand the simple versions of the postures before the more complex versions are attempted. Students can then choose the level of difficulty that suits them, from moment to moment, day to day.
When students undertake a more regular practice, it’s important they know how to respond to the body as it is in the moment, and not be attached to where they would like it to be in the future or where it was in the past. In this way, students learn to generate energy rather than block it, with the focus on meditative flow, to ultimately create a practice that gives the best benefits long term.
Yoga Synergy Founders
Bianca Machliss BSc BAppSc (Physiotherapy) is a co-founder and owner of Yoga Synergy and has over 35 years experience teaching yoga, managing a studio, training teachers and creating a community. She is a registered physiotherapist, research scientist and ACHPER graduate.
Simon Borg-Olivier MSc BAppSc (Physiotherapy) is a co-founder of Yoga Synergy. Simon has been teaching yoga since 1982. He is a registered physiotherapist, research scientist and a university lecturer. He teaches classes and workshops in Australia and around the world.