Teacher Training

Katherine Peverelle

I completed the 2020-2021 online teacher training course. The entire course took me an entire year to complete. The online courses (yoga fundamentals, yoga anatomy and asana) are worthwhile studying together as they compliment each other well. The material provided is thorough and in depth, and the video presentations are interesting and simple to follow. I think my favorite part of the course was the series of zoom lessons with Bianca and Simon. They are inspiring and welcoming teachers. No doubt the lessons would be far better in the flesh, but if you are unable to travel or leave home then this online course is a great option. The most important thing about the yoga synergy style of yoga is that it is accessible to many people because it encourages safe ways of performing postures. It encourages movements throughout the spine which has been tremendously advantageous in my own yoga practice. My students say they feel the difference in their practice too.

Brett Walsh (Australia)

This is yoga and a health approach that can take you through the rest of your life.  No gimmicks. Endless learning and understanding.

Odonata K

Love love love Simon and Biancas teacher training, such a beautiful balance. I will be back for more. Namaste my beautiful mentors.

Diana Denke

Sheila Annis

Studying yoga with Bianca and Simon is such an enriching experience. Their vast knowledge is woven with generous loving kindness, so one feels held in a web of support to move forward with teaching and self practice.