I really enjoyed the course! I have been teaching yoga and movement fr 18 years and found so much information I had never heard before. tHe program offered unique and different insights on commonly taught postures. I took about 10 pages of notes LOL I do write on the large side-but still 🙂 MY least favorite part were the longer practices. The moves were way to unfamiliar to move through the flow on your own without someone watching and correcting you visually. It was especially challenging when there was no guided or led instruction, just mouth clicks. I found it much more helpful and rewarding with Simon’s cueing. I wish there were a way to refer back to this. My only complaint is that if I wanted to review something, I would have to rent the whole program again. I would definitely try out another of your programs. I was already strolling through the offerings! Thank you so much for sharing your wealth of knowledge with the world!