This video is Part 9 of a YogaSynergy Spinal Movements Sequence taught by physiotherapist and Director of Yoga Synergy, Simon Borg-Olivier, which he teaches in person in courses throughout the world as well as Online in courses at RMIT University and Online in courses at YogaSynergy called Yoga Fundamentals and Applied Anatomy and Physiology of Yoga.
Video Transcript:
For the left side I prepare by pushing the left sitting bone and right armpit forward. Then breathing into the abdomen gives calmness. Pushing left hip forward I twist to the left side, the left hip moves backwards but still pushing forward. Doing this I try to keep the back of my spine straight and the head above the tailbone. I am pushing my right armpit forward but I am going to start to move it backwards even though it is pushing forward. Once I am back in the middle I am starting the first posture again – lengthening the spine and tractioning, arms forward and up, shoulders forward and up, sitting bones down and forward and breathing into the abdomen releases the muscles of exhalation. Breathing with my diaphragm, the main inhalation muscle, will reciprocally relax a lot of the muscles that we normally use for exhalation and firming the spine.
You can see a demonstration of the the entire sequence by clicking here
You can see Part 8 of the instructional videos of the sequence by clicking here
This video was one of a series filmed by David Samulenok of RMIT University for the course entitled Applied Eastern Anatomy.This is a low resolution version of video, higher resolution versions are available in the online courses.
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