by Simon Borg-Olivier MSc BAppSc(Physiotherapy) and Bianca Machliss BSc BAppSc(Physiotherapy) We welcome our new students, both to our schools in Sydney and to our many online students around the world. If you are new to Yoga Synergy, I’d like to take this opportunity to share an overview of our methodology. The Yoga Synergy style of yoga, also simply known as YogaSynergy, …
Thinking of Teacher Training in 2019?
We have four trainings around the world in 2019. We hope you can join us for a life transforming experience. 200H FEBRUARY 2019 GOA 200H MAY 2019 SALENTO, ITALY 200H / 300H SEPT/OCT 2019 BALI 2019 200H SYDNEY / BYRON BAY What our students say… I think before synergy my practice had been one based on competing with my body, …
Time flies when you’re having fun
Time flies when you are (safe and) having a good time! But time goes really slowly when your body experiences potential threat (‘flight or fight’), even if your mind thinks this is fun! I went to an amazing 90 minute trapeze class last week with my son and daughter. We had all done this several times before but this was …
Three Steps to Meditative Bliss
Simple Pathways Find any comfortable posture. Systematically expand and lengthen your body in all directions while staying totally relaxed and comfortable. Focus on doing this for a count of six. Systematically relax your body while staying comfortably expanded and lengthened in all directions. Focus on doing this for a count of six. This technique done appropriately can help you rid …
Do you really understand CO2? Part 2
In this video (part 2) Simon talks about the benefits of holding your breath out. Here he demonstrates holding his breath completely out and practicing nauli (rectus abdominis isolation) and lauliki (abdominal churning using rectus abdominis as well as the oblique muscles) while expanding the chest as if inhaling to the chest but not actually inhaling. This practice, which is …
Do you really understand CO2? Part 1
One of Simon’s most popular videos on YouTube Although there are many benefits to learning how to use all the muscles of breathing, and to learn to breathe in many ways, in over breathing (hyperventilation) can have significant physiological disadvantages while breathing in a relaxed and natural way and approaching under-breathing (mild hypoventilation) has the most physiological benefits. In this …
The Benefits of Doing a Simple Abdominal Massage
Some of you have been asking me how I get into this one-armed bound lotus balance. I love teaching this posture as it has many great effects including massaging the internal organs as well as 5 effects on the nervous system I describe below. I teach this at most of my workshops but most people can’t do it of course, …
In my experience, here is what I suggest people should work work towards in achieving optimal health. Of course some of these things may seem odd to some people but this is a summary that is written with most people in mind and of course there are always special exceptions for certain people. As always, any changes in lifestyle (especially …
Simon is coming to Europe
I am really looking forward to teaching in Europe in the next week. See my full schedule here. How I teach I can teach very technically to those who are interested, and I will give an example of that below, but I prefer to teach simply, and it is often much better to teach yoga and any posture, movement and …
Salad Crackers! Learn about Nutrition
MY DIET: I eat what ever I like whenever I like, However much I want. But because of how I regulate my posture, movement and breathing, my main food and all I really like to eat is fruit, salad and vegetables. I don’t usually dehydrate my salad but these photos show what I did once. I took as much salad …