A lifetime of knowledge and wisdom is contained in this course. Although I have completed this course, I know I have many happy years ahead going over the practice sequences and re-watching the lectures. Everything a yoga teacher needs to know is in this course. In particular, Bianca and Simon explain so clearly the 6 components that make up meditation; which of these overlap with relaxation; the 12 gates between the conscious and unconscious minds which enable the practice to cross over from being just physical to psychospiritual; the essential knowledge to understand yoga postures, such as the 9 main joint complexes, how to think about muscles by grouping them by function, and how this makes it easy to understand co-activation of opposing muscle groups (bandha) to keep joints safe. I have used this course as the main source material for my RYT500 diploma, and it has made it so easy to write good essays. Best of all, Bianca and Simon’s course enables ordinary people with no special strength or flexibility to practise this beautiful moving meditation. I am a very happy customer.