This Breathing course is very knowledgeable, experienceable & detailed. This is Gem of all breathing courses, I got deep knowledge with this course, Thank u Guruji.
Marina Bordet
Very complete course! Simon makes the explanations of the asanas crystal clear, and I understood how important the kidneys area is, stiff in most people, including me, and how important it is to properly work on it. Some asanas are so misunderstood by majority of yoga teachers, I hope that more and more yoga teachers will do this course, to …
Saeko Ginestet
Simon and Bianca, Thank you so very much for your quality program. I feel like I know you since I saw you everyday for the last 7 weeks! I would say that going through the entire course was not easy by any means. You made me reexamine what I thought I knew all over again. Your lectures were clear, kind, …
John Butler
It all started in 2017 for me after watching a video on YouTube with Simon, see link below: This inspired me at the age 45 to begin my yoga practice, I saw something in Simons movement that I found impressive, from my past as a martial artist I saw some elements that reminded me of this, intertwined with flowing …
Mireia Osborne
I’ve done a couple of workshops with you (Simon) in Doha and Barcelona. Got my 500hrs TT and a few years of practice and volumes of workshops behind me. This is perhaps the most useful workshop I’ve ever done. It is functional and appropriate at any level and the Bandha work throughout the course is invaluable; as much for teaching …
Olivier Deletroz
The way Simon teaches is pure perfection for my injured body, everything that was taught resonated with my knowledge and I am now able to practice without pain, discomfort or loss of motivation. I am chiropodist (podiatrist) with a good background of functional anatomy and biomechanics, and prior to this I was a landscaper and snowboard teacher – nice jobs …
Safaa Serieddine
I am really happy and content with taking this course, as it is build on scientific understanding for the body and how it works, and appreciate the full guides and explanation from Simon and Bianca through the lectures. I found the Lectures and Practice videos, beside the downloadable material are one whole unite to understand the course, can`t relay on …
Tite Togni
As a professional athlete and yoga practitioner for more than 30 years, I’ve experienced how yoga can enhance an athlete’s life, but I struggled to find yoga practices that would boost my energy instead of depleting it. It was only after I had found Simon and Yoga Synergy that I realized yoga can make conditions worse if you practice it …
Kirsty M.
Simon has without a doubt, an amazing understanding of the body and mind, in all aspects, and has such a beautiful teaching manner. I have taken away with me some invaluable gems of information and advice to apply to my own practice, and to my teaching in the future. It was a very enriching experience for me! I’m so looking …
Ivana J.
I’ll be thinking about the course I just completed (Interactive Applied Anatomy) for a long time. Thanks so for keeping your vision strong for so long! For me – a yogi on & off for decades, and aspiring teacher – Yoga Synergy was only centre I wanted to learn about anatomy and physiology to progress my own practice and inspire …