Yoga Synergy revoluntionized how I view my yoga practice. As someone who regularly encountered physical, emotional and spiritual pain during my yoga journey, I believe these experiences guided me towards facilitators who stress the importance of safety and ease. I found Bianca and Simon’s delivery so clearly stated, safety focused and easy to understand. They also made the idea of …
Safaa Serieddine
Even though this course was titled teacher training course, it is not only for teachers. I recommend this course for any person who would like to improve their health and life and increase the happiness and acceptance level in everyday living. I love learning here with Bianca and Simon together, each of their styles has a unique quality for practicing …
Lidia Pavlovich
I am a lucky and a happy person, because I have found this fabulous Synergy yoga school. The interesting thing is that I wanted to learn from Bianca and Simon many years ago, but I had no opportunity, as I live very far from Australia. The pandemic is a bad thing but it changed the communication around the world. So …
Milica Mazinjanin
This teacher training is unique opportunity to learn from two different approaches both extremely valuable. It changed, so deeply and profoundly, the way I practice, as well as the way I teach. I got answers to long-sought questions and new conversations have started. Definitely most complete education with lots of support from Bianca and Simon throughout whole process. Can’t recommend …
Carol-Anne O’Kane
Yoga Synergy revoluntionized how I view my yoga practice. As someone who regularly encountered physical, emotional and spiritual pain during my yoga journey, I believe these experiences guided me towards facilitators who stress the importance of safety and ease. I found Bianca and Simon’s delivery so clearly stated, safety focused and easy to understand. They also made the idea of …
Sheila Annis
Training with Yoga synergy has been the best thing thats happened to my body, mind, soul since I first started practicing yoga many years ago. I have learned how to be kinder to myself, my sore, stiff hips have slowly started to release and open. Indeed I feel a greater sense of well being. So grateful for this practice. Thank …
Nicoline Breedt
Such a great course! Very informative and engaging. I love the way how Simon invites students to participate whenever he explains something in order to put his words into action. It was truly a joyful learning experience. Simon offers effective delivery methods for each problem or case study and teaches all therapists and teachers to remain humble and positive. I …
Beverley Kempel
I got so much out of doing this course. Simon goes into so much detail and his explanations are consistent and logical throughout the course. As I progressed I found a deeper level of understanding with each of the asanas.Simon is extremely thorough and there was always an emphasis practicing safely.I think it is well worth doing for practitioners at …
Jake Graham
Excellent course, easy to follow and very fun. I found this very easy but super benefitting and it gave me a safe accessible way to practice breath work. I look forward to doing more of your courses.
Pippa Matthews
Having completed the YS Applied Anatomy & Physiology of Yoga, this course consolidated my learnings of the bundhas by taking a close look at their application in each posture. I now feel more confident to teach the bundhas more comprehensively in the postures. Thanks once again Simon for your tireless efforts with teaching YS and ensuring it has an international …