Hi everyone, Hope you’re doing well under these extra-ordinary circumstances! We encourage you to keep up your practice, your Pranayama and meditation during these challenging times. I hope you find the practice below helpful. I recorded this in my living room. Please excuse my dog barking sometimes! We’ve just launched a new offering that may be of interest. Simon …
Don’t just self isolate…self educate!
Wow, what times we’re living in!! Worldwide, we’re all affected by this unprecedented situation, it’s frightening and leaving us all with so much uncertainty…… First and foremost, we sincerely hope that our Yoga Synergy community, family and friends are all safe and looking after each other. If you’re stuck at home in isolation, we encourage you to use this time …
Join us at Elixr…
We’re loving our new home over at Elixr, Bondi Junction. If you haven’t had a free trial yet, come and visit! Get more information here about Elixr’s special membership deal for Yoga Synergy students. Here’s Bianca doing the Synergy Chandra Namaskar, perfect for times of stress!
Bondi studio moving next door
END OF LEASE CLOSURE OF BONDI JUNCTION STUDIO. WE’RE MOVING TO ELIXR NEXT DOOR! When one door closes another opens…. As we close the doors to our gorgeous Bondi Junction studio on Thursday 27th February, we start the very next day – Friday 10am at Elixr Health Club next door! Elixr is a beautiful, well respected outstanding health club, which …
Recommended Reading
We highly recommend our students read from the collection of Iyengar. B.K.S. Iyengar has devoted his life to the practice and study of yoga. It was B.K.S. Iyengar’s unique teaching style, bringing precision and clarity to the practice, as well as a mindset of ‘yoga for all’, which has made it into a worldwide phenomenon. Tree of Yoga, BKS Iyengar …
Yoga Synergy: Traditional Hatha yoga with an understanding from yoga Anatomy, Yoga Physiology and Exercise-Based Physiotherapy
by Simon Borg-Olivier MSc BAppSc(Physiotherapy) and Bianca Machliss BSc BAppSc(Physiotherapy) For those of you who are new to the YogaSynergy method here is an article that takes a deep dive into the background of how it all started over 35 years ago. The Yoga Synergy style of yoga, also simply known as YogaSynergy, is traditional hatha yoga with an understanding …
Yoga Therapy for Hip Problems
https://www.bbc.com/news/health-50181155 The link above is an article from the BBC that is reporting a high incidence of hip injuries in many yoga practitioners and teachers. Our Synergy Teacher and Journalist in the UK, Eva Kincsei has written the following after reading this article … “Simply contorting your body into fancy postures does not give you yoga. Especially, if your yoga …
Yoga Synergy Scholarship for Abhishek Maurya
Please donate and help the wonderful Abhishek Maurya fulfil his dream to attend an internationally certified teacher training with Yoga Synergy in February 2020, India. Yoga Synergy is offering Abhishek a two-third tuition scholarship worth AUD$2574 / USD$1737). We are raising funds to cover his travel, food and accommodation. Any donation (large or small) will be very much appreciated. Our …
Training in Bali…..foot massage included!
We have an incredible group training with us in Bali right now!! We are honoured to bring together these dedicated Yogis from literally all over the world. Namaste. ?? Meanwhile at our teacher training in Bali… anyone for a foot massage?
Breathe new life into your Yoga practice
We are practicing the Air sequence in class. Join us! Air is the fourth of the 5 sequences, designed to lighten the body and spirit as we move out of the winter and into the spring. In Ayurvedic terms, Air (Vaayu ), the wind, is “backdrop” of our environment (the surroundings that we may not always notice). Air is the …